Ciara Bergin, Senior Speech and Language Therapist

Ciara is a Speech and Language Therapist who has worked in a range of clinical settings since graduating from University College Cork in 2015. She has worked in Early Intervention, School Age Disability, Special Education and Primary Care both in Singapore and Ireland. Ciara is registered with CORU and a member of the Irish Association of Speech and Language Therapists (IASLT).

Ciara has a keen interest in providing an individual client centred approach to assessment and intervention. She understands the importance of valuing the communication preferences of Autistic children and young adults while also supporting their communication partners to create a more inclusive communicative environment. Ciara ensures to adopt a neurodiversity affirmative approach in all aspects of her clinical practice.

Ciara is committed to her continuous professional development and has completed a number of trainings including Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS 2), Hanen ‘It Takes Two to Talk’, Lamh Module 1, DIR Floortime, SOS Approach to Feeding and the SCERTS Model. Ciara is a keen ally of the Autistic community and continues to develop her knowledge and understanding of Neurodiversity. She has attended a number of trainings and talks including Adapting to a Neurodiversity Affirmative Paradigm, Autism Level UP!, and Autistic Women and Girls.