Jessica K Doyle, Autistic Consultant

Jessica K is an Autistic Consultant with a passion for bridging the gaps between theory, researcher and practice and engagement in psychological research, specifically autistic neuro, perceptual and sensory systems. Jessica K has attained an honours B.A. in psychology from Trinity College Dublin and is a graduate member (M.Ps.S.I) of the Psychological Society of Ireland (PSI), a committee member on the PSI Autism SIG and a Director of Thriving Autistic. Jessica K is currently working as an Assistant Psychologist at the Adult Autism Practice, a Sensory Processing Project officer at Trinity College Dublin (TCDSense) and an independent Autism and Sensory Perception Consultant and Researcher.

From 2019 to 2021, Jessica K's research focus has been on her international research into autistic perception, exploring the links between perception, cognition and anxiety in autistic adults through the lens of hierarchical predictive coding and investigating formats of thought in autistic adults. Previously she was on a research team that conducted international research that looked at the effects of anthropomorphism on loneliness in autistic adults. She is presently on several research teams exploring autistic individuals experience of psychiatric care, working in academia and sensory experience in university. Jessica K recently helped organise and took part in a series of webinars on Autistic Women and Girls, and you can hear more about her research in this video from that event:

She has also recently taken part in the TCD Ability co-op documentary Defining Disability: Our Stories, where she talks about her autistic sensory experience in university, link to documentary:

Jessica K enjoys linking and uncovering patterns, hypothesising and investigating theories and experimenting with translating findings into applicable practice. Such applications include her prototype outdoor sensory space designed to be optimal for an autistic system by minimising uncertainty while enabling vestibular and proprioceptive input, fresh air and exercise. She is currently experimenting with adding a sound experience space to facilitate exploration of stimming and pressure of movement through sound. She designed The Autism Covid-19 Individual health Action Plan, a free visual resource for autistic individuals prepared to help clarify and navigate steps to a COVID-19 diagnosis and plan for hospital stays. You can find a link to the Action Plan here:

Jessica K is co-author alongside her colleagues in The Adult Autism Practice of “The Neurodiversity Affirmative Adult Autism Assessment Handbook”, which is currently in writing.

From 2011 to 2014, Jessica K was a founding director of Galway Autism Partnership (GAP) while she was in Galway studying TV and Film Production. In her role as a director of GAP, she conceptualised, applied for funding, developed, piloted, facilitated and advised on the 'special interest model' youth cafe; a youth cafe designed for autistic individuals aged 11- 17 years in mainstream education who are at risk of bullying or social isolation. Jessica K created the special interest youth cafe to facilitate autistic youths in forming connections and friendships by helping them link their passions through various multimedia mediums.  Her own experience of being a young autistic individual inspired Jessica K to create a space where autistic youths could express themselves, feel empowered to be themselves, form friendships and belong. Jessica K also designed and led the team that built the original GAP sensory room.

When Jessica K is not working, researching or working on her sensory space, she enjoys dancing outside her house, looking up at the stars and listening to music or the clicking high pitched sound of bats. Daily breaks from work involve walking outside and listening to that electric buzz of life, of little feet and little leaves, crushing twigs, breaking rustling in the trees, across the grass, the vibration of little wings breaking from flight and the steady melodic squawks of birds, interrupted by talking to the cows in the field and trying to spot Ben, the cat, who is not quite sure yet if he wants to be her friend. She also enjoys hanging out with Fred, the scholar and Emmet, the elephant, snug under a weighted blanket listening to audiobooks on repeat. From time to time, Jessica K enjoys hyper-focusing on inventing things, creating art, writing and attempting to play musical instruments and, most recently, growing far too many plants.

Jessica K believes in an approach to autism research and practice that takes a neutral perspective — similar to the difference between a diesel engine and a petrol engine. An autistic neurotype and a neurotypical neurotype have many similarities, but they also have many differences. Treating them both as if they function the same will cause problems, as will treating one as a malfunction of the other. Respectful research and practice must view these different neurotypes and perceptual mechanisms as independently valid with a spectrum of contextually dependant strengths, challenges and neutralities. Then, with collaboration, we can support each other's communities to embrace life’s diversity truly and celebrate difference and act to acknowledge, embrace, accept, design and adapt for neurodiversity and create equal space in this world for all of life’s wonderful Neurodiversity and also Biodiversity.   

Twitter: @JesscaDoyle
Linkedin: Kkdoyle